Perdana Lantik Pejabat Undana, Rektor Dr. Maxs: Sudah Sesuai Prosedur
Perdana Lantik Pejabat Undana, Rektor Dr. Maxs: Sudah Sesuai Prosedur

Perdana Lantik Pejabat Undana, Rektor Dr. Maxs: Sudah Sesuai Prosedur

Rektor Universitas  Nusa Cendana Dr. drh. Maxs U. E. Sanam. M.Sc melantik 16 pejabat di lingkungan Undana, adapun pejabat yang dilantik dari Program Pascasarjana, Lembaga, Fakultas dan Satuan Pengawas Internal (SPI). Pengambilan sumpah dan pelantikan berlangsung di Aula Rektorat Undana Selasa (11/1/2022) pagi.

The 16 officials of Undana who were appointed :

  1. Dr. dr. Christina Olly Lada, M.Gizi ( The Dean of  Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Faculty)
  2. dr. Kartini Lidia.M.Sc ( Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of  Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Faculty).
  3. drh. Yohanis T. R. M. R. Simarmata, M.Sc ( Vice Dean of General Affairs and Finance of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine Faculty )
  4. Dr. Ir. Arnol Elyazar Manu, M.P (The Dean of Animal Husbandry, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Faculty).
  5. Dr. Ir. Edi Djoko Sulistijo, M.P (Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of Animal Husbandry, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Faculty).
  6. Dr. Franchy Christian Liufeto, S.Pi. M.Si (Vice Dean of General Affairs and Finance of Animal Husbandry, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Faculty).
  7. Dr. Apriana H. J. Fanggidae, SE. M. Si (The Dean of Economics and Business Faculty)
  8. Dr. Rolland E. Fanggidae, S.Si.,Teol., MM ( Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs of Economics and Business Faculty)
  9. Dr. Paulina Y. Amtiran, SE., MM (Vice Dean of General Affairs and Finance of Economics and Business Faculty)
  10. Dr. Ir. Damianus Adar, M.Ec ( Head of  the Institute for Research and Community Service  (LP2M) ).
  11. Dr. Ir. Jacob Matheos Ratu, M.Kes ( Sectretary of the Institute for Development, Learning, and Quality Assurance  (LP3M) ).
  12. Prof. Drs. Tans Feliks, M.Ed.,Ph.D ( Director of Postgraduate Programs ).
  13. Dr. Karolus Kopong Medan, SH., M.Hum ( Deputy Director for Academics and Student Affairs of Postgraduate Programs )
  14. Dr. Ir. Agus Arnold Nalle, M.Si (Deputy Director for  General Affairs and Finance of Postgraduate Programs).
  15. Ir. Yohanis Umbu Laiya Sobang, M.Si (Head of the Internal Supervisory Unit).
  16. Sarlin Paleina Nawa Pau, S.E., M.Sc (Sectretary of the Internal Supervisory Unit).

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